At the outset, I would like to thank our distinguished briefers, Secretary-General
António Guterres, Secretary-General Representative Volker Perthes, Assistant
Secretary-General Joyce Msuya and AU Permanent Observer Fatima Kyari
In light of the current developments in Sudan, the Group of Ambassadors of
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member states in New York,
would like to state the following:
The Group notes with concern the ongoing conflict in Sudan that has led to civilian
causalities and destruction of property, and urge the leaders of the parties to heed to
the call to immediately and unconditionally cease hostilities and de-escalate
tensions, and give peace a chance in line with the outcome of the 40th Extraordinary
Assembly of IGAD Heads of State and Government, which took place virtually on
Sunday, April 16, 2023. It also recalls the Communique of the Peace and Security
Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1149th meeting, held on 16 April
2023, on briefing on the situation in Sudan.
The Group emphasizes the African Union's position on the current situation in
Sudan, on the need for the Parties to swiftly embrace a peaceful solution and
inclusive dialogue to resolve their differences as a means to promoting stability and
respecting the wishes of the people of Sudan for restoration of democracy,
constitutionalism, rule of law and freedom, as well as rejection of any external
interference in Sudanese domestic affairs.
The Group calls on all actors and partners to rally behind the regional mediation
effort and extend maximum support to facilitate the visit to Khartoum of the three
Heads of State, President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti, President William Ruto
of Kenya and President Salva Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan, and jumpstart talks
between the parties as soon as security conditions permit.
The Group welcomes the announcement of a three-day humanitarian truce in
response to the UN Secretary-General's plea on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. We also
welcome the US brokered ceasefire which we hope the parties will continue to abide
by and work in good faith with mediators to negotiate and conclude a permanent
ceasefire that started yesterday to allow for unfettered humanitarian access to the
civilian population.
The Group reiterates its commitment for resolution of the situation in Sudan within
the principle of African Solutions to African problems and urges the Security
Council to encourage and provide adequate support to regional and continental
mediation efforts.
In these trying times, the Group affirms its solidarity with the Sudanese people, and
it reaffirms its support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and political
independence of the Sudan.
Permettez-moi, Madame la Présidente, de faire quelques observations au nom de
mon pays Djibouti.
Djibouti est honorée d’avoir servi de hub-clé pour l’évacuation du personnel et les
ressortissants des pays amis. Nous sommes ravis de constater que ces opérations
aient été efficacement menées.
Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères djiboutien et les autorités compétentes,
entièrement mobilisés, ont travaillé d’arrache-pied afin d’assister les équipes pour
que ces opérations se déroulent dans les meilleures conditions
En même temps nous avons une pensée émue pour les soudanais et les soudanaises
impactées par la détérioration soudaine de la situation sécuritaire au Soudan et les
difficultés à l’accès à l’eau, la nourriture, l’électricité et les médicaments selon les
rapports reçus aujourd’hui. Les besoins humanitaires sont immenses. Nous sommes
cependant encouragés par la disponibilité des Nations Unies, des partenaires
bilatéraux et des autres acteurs humanitaires à y répondre d’une manière prompte et
coordonnée. Nos condoléances attristées vont aux familles des victimes tombées
sous les balles et nous souhaitons un prompt rétablissement aux blesses.
Djibouti souhaiterait saisir cette opportunité pour réaffirmer notre solidarité sans
faille avec le peuple soudanais. Les relations entre les deux peuples sont anciennes,
les affinités nombreuses, et les fils de l’amitié qui nous lient inextricables.
Les armes doivent se taire immédiatement et le dialogue doit reprendre dans les
meilleurs délais. One death is one too many, one IDP is one too many, and one
refugee is one too many.
Merci de votre attention